
Saturday, April 30, 2011

"The Rest of the Story"

Remember Paul Harvey? His radio insert that was titled "The Rest of the Story".

I believe that most of us would like to know just that - The Rest of the Story, especially when we are talking about areas where our knowledge is limited. Limited by a restriction of facts, limited by self-serving laws, limited by re-struction of history, limited by our very own opinions, and limited by time to follow through, ours and those involved.

The most important place where this does happen? In Congress!! Every single Congressman (and Congresswoman) has the RIGHT to read over their statements made on the floor of Congress. That RIGHT also includes making any changes and corrections they wish to make.

It is called re-writing history.

When hearing The Rest of the Story, it can be as frightening as that.

Often changing minds is much easier if there are enough facts to support statements. I have found that most frequently changing of my own mind only happens when it is lubricated by enough information and new facts that have opposing facts and information.

How about an example from today? And I am not talking about the Congressional Record!

The past few years we have all had to re-think our financial structure. With the large Corporations desperately needing bailouts, we have agreed to help those large corporations out with Government financial funding .

One of those Corporations is AIG. That is - American International Group, and we gave them Xbillions of dollars to "survive", under the US Congressional statement "if AIG fails, our financial structure will be at risk.

Less than a month after this money was received, I became aware of another piece - maybe not The Rest of the Story - just "An Important Part of the Story" that unfortunately did not received any publicity. AIG notified who? and the source for my Worker's Compensation Disability Income, provided semi-Monthly, is now from "CHARTIS, LTD.

Without notification, without my agreement, without my prior employer's agreement (I would get notified when we change companies who are to meet the obligations under the Contract between AIG and Shearson Lehman Bros. (At the time owned by American Express.)

Why would AIG have a new name to the Worker's Compensation Money Distributing Entity when it had always just treated it as a part of their everyday business?

My conclusion is that starting a new company as an LLC, has the same basis as the now overwhelming demand for offshore corporations as used by Major Corporations and Individuals. This is Separation from US Government taxes and US Government Regulations.

that is true - - AIG (and how many others??) simply repositioned the placement of the largest earner for the least amount of money invest

Why would I say that? - Because I know from personal experience that their main objective is to avoid paying out ANY money from that part of their business. When they are required to do so, they use every means available to eliminate payment of benefits - including the use of highly paid lobbyists. A single individual is at a great disadvantage.

I also believe that those lobbyists have been so good at their job that they have convinced the general public (and the Major Corporations Financial Gurus) that there EVERY claim is false.

In other words - Not just occasionally, not even limited to a percentage - but the "overwhelming majority of claims are false, fake or overstated".

Is every American, no matter the national background, going to spend time that could be used to work, pretending to be hurt?

If your first answer is "yes", Let me ask it differently - Do you believe that every American that is unemployed has tried to get a Worker's Compensation Claim?

Do you know people who have been severely injured at work? Or anywhere?

Do you think that one individual (and his/her attorney), could manage to obtain the resources available to a large Corporation? Or if not one --- how many?

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