
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Comments: My Time With a Major Corporation

AIG - known by the open hand they extended to obtain Federal Funds to "survive," is an interesting Company. With some experience of "STOCKS and BONDS" as a Stockbroker with Shearson Lehman Brothers, I look for information to confirm or deny the information that will give me verification of what I understand to be correct.

American International Group: a big company, with subsidiaries that put their reach much further than even an informed mind would expect.

Insurance Companies in general are cash cows. They have to keep minimums of funds in house by Government Regulation. They have long paid lobbyists to protect their interests, and they have done that very, very well.

For AIG to qualify for the handout, they would have to open their financial books enough to prove that they ARE having problems and NEED the assistance.

My connection with AIG is somewhat unusual, I believe - beginning by selling stock in a company that I have researched and feel that a potential for growth exists, I now have learned a great deal of opposing perspective out of necessity.

Two years into my training with Shearson, returning from an appointment with a client, my automobile was struck in the rear by a 22-Ton Mack Truck, hauling "hops," driven by a man who was trying to make one more round trip for Anheizer Bush before quitting. My auto was totaled, I knew that I was hurt, but my single thought was to get home. I can only assume now that it was a deeply embedded need to get home - my home - where I would be safe.

Since I was under contract during the training period, the accident which occurred while having a client appointment dictated that my accident was a Worker's Compensation claim. At that time Shearson Lehman Bros. was owned by American Express. Starting over at 47, I was determined to succeed, it didn't matter that I had to go at a slower pace, due to the pain that seemed to be beyond what I could manage.

I started seeing Doctors immediately the next day - the emergency room, referrals from my Primary Physician, with tests, Cervical MRIs, lab workup, EMGs, and physical exams. Time lost, enthusiasm diminished, focus restricted because of pain -- with all of that, determining what was wrong was only diagnosed 1 1/2 years later as Cervical Herniation (fusion of C3-4) and bi-Lateral TMJ injuries (surgery with clearing and an ongoing mouth splint full time.)

Another four and one half years later - with pain limiting and debilitating, a full body MRI was ordered. With one excellent and determined Neuro-Surgeon taking the time to believe me, I then had three more spine surgeries.
(1) Initially at Lumbar Fusion, bi-laterally at L4-5, early 1993;
(2) Full clearing and Thoracic Fusion Anterior at T7-8, fall of 1993;
(3) The stabilizing of my neck with additional Cervical Fusions at C4-5 and C5-6,
spring of 1994.

I have only had surgeries when the decision was dictated by incredible pain or drastic physical

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